OneMadOgre LLC

We make social interactions between tabletop gamers an intimate, rich experience so that groups of friends can develop longlasting relationships with each other.

To do that, we supply technology and physical assets that can let you enhance your play of The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game at the tabletop.

Our technology takes away the need to do number crunching at the table and let you just have a great social interaction with your friends crafting an epic adventure.

OneMadOgre LLC

We make social interactions between tabletop gamers an intimate, rich experience so that groups of friends can develop longlasting relationships with each other.

To do that, we supply technology and physical assets that can let you enhance your play of The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game at the tabletop.

Our technology takes away the need to do number crunching at the table and let you just have a great social interaction with your friends crafting an epic adventure.